A soft and elegant set, perfect for a spring occasion and complete with organic details such as deckel (or natural edge) paper. The font choices are customizable as well as font and envelope colors.
The suite includes the main invitation card, a reply card, mailing envelope, and reply card envelope, and digital addressing (includes reply card envelope address, return address, and guest address). The reply card can be customized with meal choices or other events you need to collect responses for.
Please let us know if you would like the envelope and paper colors featured in the photos, or you may choose other options from our color guide. As a note, designs with handmade paper are limited to the colors featured in the photos. In addition, illustration colors are as is and not editable.
Kestral Spring Floral Set
In this suite, solid colors and fonts are editable, however the illustration artwork cannot be changed.
Invitation Card: 5x7"
Details Card: 4x6"
Replay Card: 3.5x5"